Monday, June 15, 2009

Life on an organic farm is....growing up more and more from the ground everyday!

By harvesting, washing and bagging lettuce, Swiss chard, mixed kale, spinach, chives, radishes, oregano and rhubarb on Sunday, we prepared ourselves for the first CSA pickup of the season! I loved finally being able to harvest some of what we’ve worked hard at planting, transplanting, mulching, watering and weeding. Digging up the radishes is a risk, as you can’t really tell which ones are big enough sizes to harvest, pretty much until you pull them up from the dirt. The red color though was so bright! Aaaaand this is how I can tell I’m getting a little too into my vegetables ha ha, commenting on the vibrant colors; but it is quite rewarding watching your vegetables grow, but perhaps not as rewarding as eating them. :)

Hannah and I loaded up the van later this morning with all our fresh veggies and headed down some country roads to the hospital in St Albans (a larger town about 10 minutes away from Highgate). Set up was similar to the farmers market, and we laid out all of the components of this week’s share on a picnic table outside the hospital, so people could choose for themselves which ones they wanted. Four people however, didn’t pick up there share this week! It’s the first week, so perhaps they didn’t remember, but regardless, it their loss, as the three of us interns made an apple crisp with some fresh rhubarb in it last night and it tasted quite delicious. :)

When we returned back at Maplewood, I joined up with Ellyn and Eric in the field for an afternoon of weeding. Thunder from afar and threatening skies in the distance kept us anticipating a storm for the last couple hours of weeding, but luckily it held off pretty much until we ran inside from the rain at the end of the day.

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