Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life on an organic farm is... Noisy! Tractors, 4-wheelers, horses next door, Maddie singing, it's rarely quiet here!

It's always an interesting experience feeding the chickens. In the morning, they're so loud in the coop, hustling about, and probably hear me coming in the 4-wheeler as they know it means the day's about to begin. As soon as I open the door, some will instantly fly/fall out, while others wait for me to put the ramp down, where they will proceed to trout down to the ground. Others, apparently hiding out higher up in the coop, will just flop down on all the chickens waiting for the ramp.

When I come in the afternoon for the second feeding, they all are gathered in a flock by the fence, waiting for me to put more food down. Quite a few wanderers will get out of the fenced in area, and just roam around the farm, dig in the garden, lay eggs in the greenhouse; but the ones close enough to the coop will race to try and get back into the fence as soon as they see me coming. It's funny to watch as they run to stick their heads through an opening, only to bounce backwards in a failed attempt.

Most of today was spent weeding through the onion rows in the field. Earthworms were abundant, meaning a healthy soil! Sometimes I'll see the dirt move by the onion sprout before I get to it, just giving me a heads up that a little worm will shortly be emerging from the soil. Maddie joined us for a bit out in the field, helped out by jumping on Eric's back and sitting on my lap, and wouldn't get off, even as I shifted down the row!

Still pretty cool up here, but the sun did shine through some clouds by the end of the day. Lets just hope summer weather is one it's way so that we can all start workin' everyone's favorite, the farmers tan. ;)

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