Monday, July 13, 2009

Life on an organic farm looking for treasure.

I decided today that in many ways, farming parallels a treasure hunt. After hours of weeding peas, I became sick of calling the act I was partaking in by it's common name, weeding. The peas, trapped under huge weeds 3 or 4 times their size, needed to be see the light of day. So instead of weeding, I "uncovered their general splendor". This new name makes it a little more bearable to carry out for a day. This is the first treasure hunt.

Yesterday, we dug in the dirt for potatoes! Now, that's an obvious treasure, and you're literally digging for it. Instead of an X marking the spot, we looked for the biggest greens above the ground, that had already blossomed. This lets us know that a potential potato could lay under the ground, just waiting to be fried, baked or mashed. This is the second treasure hunt.

Lastly, raspberries!! Each day, new perfectly colored raspberries appear on the bush. Today, I was on the hunt for the best ones, and plucked them off. Weaving my body towards the middle of the raspberry bush is difficult when trying to avoid getting pricked, but it's worth it for the find. The trick to finding the ripe raspberries is too look underneath some of the leaves, where some hide. Once again, discovering a treasure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! It seems like you're having fun! I love raspberries, too. We've gone picking for apples, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. We got back from the Adirondacks a week and a half ago.It was really fun but hectic, because it was all of my dad's brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, plus his mom, who was celebrating her 80th birthday. Then, after that, we had seven of my cousins from my mom's side over, and we all went to Seabreeze. It was a big hit. Do you miss your family at home? I know I would! We've been having a real rainy summer, so yesterday we went to see Race to Witch Mountain. I probably should go. I'm taking an art class at the MAG-I'm making a zine ( mini magazine) I'll show it to you when you come back!\
    Have fun, Molly
